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Tilmicosin phosphate

CAS: 108050-54-0
Molecular formula: C46H80N2O13
Molecular weight: 869.15


Function and purpose
The antibacterial effect is similar to that of Tylosin. Tilmicosin phosphate has a broad-spectrum antibacterial effect and has inhibitory effects on Gram positive bacteria, certain negative bacteria, mycoplasma, spirochetes, etc; It has stronger antibacterial activity against Actinobacteria pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella, and Mycoplasma animalis than Tylosin. Timicoxin is absorbed quickly by oral administration, but not completely. Chemicalbook is absorbed quickly after oral administration or subcutaneous injection, with a large apparent distribution volume and high drug concentration in lung tissue. It has good tissue penetration ability and can quickly and completely enter the breast from the blood. The concentration of drugs in the breast is high, and the maintenance time is long. The half-life in the breast is as long as 1-2 days, and the maintenance time in the body is long. Mainly used for treating infections caused by Actinobacteria pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella, and Mycoplasma in pigs.
Tilmicosin phosphate is a semi synthetic livestock and poultry specific antibiotic derived from the hydrolysis product of Tylosin. It belongs to the macrolide class along with Tylosin and Tylenomycin, and is mainly used to treat infections caused by pleuropneumonia, Actinobacteria, Pasteurella, and Mycoplasma.
Chemical properties
White or white powder humidity: ≤ 5.0%. It is soluble in methanol, acetonitrile, and acetone, soluble in ethanol and propylene glycol, and insoluble in water.

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