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Arshine Lifescience focuses on providing comprehensive pharmaceutical support for livestock breeding, ensuring the health and well-being of livestock. Our products range from antibiotics, and vitamins, to specialty drugs targeting specific diseases, and customized formulations.

Companion Animals

With the flourishing development of the pet market, Arshine Lifescience not only delves deeply into the field of veterinary pharmaceutical raw materials but also actively introduces specialized medication products for companion animals. We pay attention to the prevention of common pet diseases, providing targeted treatment medications, along with essential nutritional fluids for their growth. We strive to comprehensively safeguard the health and happiness of pets, making every pet's life more wonderful.

Got questions about Arshine Lifescience?
Our dedicated sales team is ready to assist you with your inquiries. Don't hesitate to reach out
and start a conversation with us. We're here to provide you with all the information you need.
Contact us:

Add: Block 14, No.100, Luyun Road, Changsha 410205, Hunan, China.

Email: info@arshinevet.com

WeChat: +8618688784456

WhatsApp: +8618688784456


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