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Levamisole HCL

[Boiling Point]: 344.4 º C at 760 mmHg
[Melting Point]: 226-231 º C
[Molecular formula]: C11H13ClN ₂ S
[Molecular weight]: 240.752
[Appearance]: White to almost white crystalline powder


Pharmacology and toxicology
This product is the levorotatory form of tetraimidazole, which can selectively inhibit succinate dehydrogenase in insect muscle, preventing the reduction of succinic acid to succinic acid, thereby affecting anaerobic metabolism of insect muscle and reducing energy production. When the insect body comes into contact with it, it can depolarize the nerves and muscles, causing continuous muscle contraction and paralysis; The cholinergic effect of drugs is beneficial for the excretion of parasites. Its activity is about 1-2 times that of tetraimidazole (racemate), and its toxic side effects are relatively low. The drug may have an inhibitory effect on the microtubule structure of the parasite. Levamisole also has immune regulatory and immune excitatory functions.
After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed. Within 2 hours after taking 6 tablets, the blood drug concentration reaches its peak (500mg/mL), with a t1/2 time of 4 hours. Metabolized in the liver, this product and its metabolites can be excreted from urine (mostly), feces, and respiratory tract, and can also be measured in breast milk.
It has good therapeutic effects on roundworm, hookworm, pinworm, and fecal roundworm diseases. Due to the high efficacy of a single dose of this product, it is suitable for collective treatment. The activity against adult worms and microfilaria of Bandworm, Malay filariae, and Trichomonas is higher than that of ethazine, but the long-term efficacy is poor.

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