Home / products / Decoquinate

CAS: 18507-89-6
Molecular formula: C24H35NO5
Molecular weight: 417.55
Physical and chemical properties: This product is a white or slightly yellow crystalline powder, odorless


【 Pharmacological effects 】 Decoquinate plays a role in the asexual reproduction stage of coccidia. After entering the spore cells of coccidia, it interferes with DNA synthesis to prevent its development. It begins to function early in the life cycle of coccidia, thus avoiding damage to the intestines of poultry. The drug is quickly absorbed and can reach an effective concentration against coccidia within 1 hour, with a peak concentration after 3 days. Decoquinate (6% premix) 40mg/kg, 30mg/kg, 20mg/kg feed was mixed with AA broilers artificially inoculated with the Monton strain of Eimeria tenella, and compared with Maduromycin. The results showed that Decoquinate had an anti coccidiosis index greater than 180, indicating that it is an efficient drug. No coccidian oocysts were detected in the feces and cecum of chickens in each dose of Decoquinate group, indicating the absence of a mutated strain of Decoquinate.
【 Indications 】 Used to prevent chicken coccidiosis caused by various coccidia (metamorphosis, tenderness, giant, pile type, toxicity, and brucellosis)

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