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Cloprostenol Sodium

CAS: 55028-72-3
Molecular formula: C22H28ClNaO6
Molecular weight: 446.8969


Cloprostenol Sodium has a significant dissolution effect on the pregnancy corpus luteum and persistent corpus luteum of female animals, which can quickly cause corpus luteum regression and inhibit its secretion; It has a direct excitatory effect on uterine smooth muscle, which can cause uterine smooth muscle contraction, relax and open the cervix, which is beneficial for purifying the uterus of female animals, changing the tension of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and facilitating the union of sperm and egg.
1. Induce sows to give birth during the day. 1-2 days before the due date, sow should be injected with 0.2mg of Cloprostenol Sodium in 1-2 doses. Generally, delivery should take place within 4-24 hours after injection, and in some special cases where delivery has not yet occurred within 24 hours, injection can be administered again.
2. Used for induced abortion and miscarriage. For sows that have not yet given birth and have reached their due date, inject 1-2 doses of 0.2mg of Cloprostenol Sodium to ensure normal delivery. For pregnant sows with stillbirth or unsuitable pregnancy, the same method can be used to terminate the pregnancy.
3. Promote postpartum recovery of sows. Postpartum injection of Cloprostenol Sodium into sows for 2 consecutive days can promote rapid expulsion of the placenta, prevent endometritis, accelerate postpartum recovery of the ovaries and uterus, and shorten the estrus cycle.
4. Simultaneous estrus. In order to facilitate the unified management of sows, a batch of sows were simultaneously injected with Cloprostenol Sodium to induce estrus, mate, and deliver simultaneously, in order to facilitate unified management.
5. Simultaneous delivery. Injecting Cloprostenol Sodium into pregnant sows with a 3-day interval between their due dates for simultaneous delivery can reduce human and material resources and facilitate unified management.
6. Treat persistent corpus luteum. For non estrus caused by pregnancy corpus luteum and persistent corpus luteum, injection of Cloprostenol Sodium can dissolve the corpus luteum, thereby achieving the goal of estrus.
Precautions in practical use: ① Pregnant animals that do not require abortion are prohibited. ② Pregnant women and patients with respiratory diseases should operate with caution as medication can induce miscarriage and acute bronchospasm This product is easily absorbed through the skin, and should be cleaned immediately after accidental contact Cannot be used together with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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