Home / products / Albendazole

CAS number 54965-21-8
Molecular weight 265.331
Density 1.3 ± 0.1 g/cm3
Molecular formula C12H15N3O2S
Melting point 207-211 ° C (decomposition)


[Purpose 1]
Efficient broad-spectrum insecticides are one of the benzimidazole drugs with a wider insecticidal spectrum and the strongest insecticidal effect. Suitable for expelling roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, whipworms, treating various types of cysticercosis, and can also be used for deworming livestock.
[Purpose 2]
Used for preventing and controlling cabbage downy mildew, rice blast, tobacco powdery mildew, anthracnose, etc
[Purpose Three]
As an insect repellent, it is effective against both intestinal nematodes and liver flukes in animals. Can be mixed with feed for use.
[Purpose 4]
Broad spectrum insect repellent. Can be used to drive away roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms, etc.
[Purpose 5]
This product is an efficient and broad-spectrum new deworming drug with significant efficacy against liver flukes, tapeworms, lung and gastrointestinal nematodes. It is the most potent benzimidazole drug and currently the preferred drug for the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases in livestock and poultry. This product is effective against adult and larval liver flukes of cattle and sheep, as well as large flukes, with a reduction rate of up to 90% -100%. In recent years, it has been found that this product also has a strong effect on bovine cysticercosis. After treatment, the number of cysticercosis decreases and the lesions disappear. In addition, this product can also be used to prevent parasitic infections, so it can achieve good results in promoting sheep growth and increasing wool production.
[Purpose 6]
This product is an efficient and broad-spectrum new deworming drug with significant efficacy against liver flukes, tapeworms, lung and gastrointestinal nematodes. Renting the strongest among benzimidazole drugs is currently the preferred drug for the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases in livestock and poultry. This product is effective against adult and larvae of liver flukes in cattle and sheep, as well as large flukes, with a reduction rate of up to 90% -100%. In recent years, it has been found that this product also has a strong effect on bovine cysticercosis. After treatment, the cysticercosis decreased and the lesions disappeared. In addition, frequency modulation can also be used to prevent parasitic infections, so it can achieve good results in promoting sheep growth and increasing wool production.

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