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The action and efficacy of enrofloxacin for animal use
Enrofloxacin base

Enrofloxacin is one of the commonly used drugs in pig farms and has good therapeutic effects in treating diarrhea and respiratory diseases. Now, let's talk about the role and efficacy of enrofloxacin in veterinary use.

I. Role and Efficacy of Enrofloxacin in Veterinary Use:

  1. Enrofloxacin, also known as ethyl ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin, is a slightly yellow or light yellow crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It is insoluble in water and gradually turns orange-red when exposed to light.

  2. This drug is a broad-spectrum bactericidal drug, especially effective against mycoplasma, and has bactericidal effects on Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella, and other bacteria. It can be used as a veterinary medicine with good tissue distribution in animals and belongs to a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent.

  3. In piglets, coughing and diarrhea after weaning are generally caused by secondary infections and infectious pleuropneumonia. Enrofloxacin has a strong bactericidal effect on these pathogens.

  4. It can treat bacterial or mycoplasma infections in dogs and cats, affecting the respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive systems, and skin. It can also treat diseases such as streptococcal disease, edema disease, salmonellosis, mycoplasma pneumonia, and pleuropneumonia in pigs.

  5. It can treat infections caused by Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Pasteurella multocida, and Haemophilus parasuis in poultry.

  6. Enrofloxacin has poor palatability and is not suitable for oral administration in drinking water for pigs. Oral administration to pigs requires processing to avoid waste. Prolonged single-drug use should be avoided, and it should be alternated with other drugs or used in combination with other drugs to reduce the development of resistance.

II. What pig diseases can be treated with Cephalosporin plus Enrofloxacin?

  1. Cephalosporin plus enrofloxacin is used to treat exudative dermatitis in pigs. Intramuscular injection of 10% enrofloxacin injection combined with cephalosporin for injection is administered once daily for 2-3 consecutive days.

  2. Enrofloxacin can inhibit the metabolism of theophylline and caffeine, leading to increased blood drug concentration and toxic reactions. Antacids can reduce the absorption of enrofloxacin in the gastrointestinal tract, but their effectiveness is not ideal.

  3. Mixing enrofloxacin with strong acidic or alkaline liquids can cause precipitation. Chemical changes occur when enrofloxacin is mixed with Gastric-protecting Fluid, making it turbid, so it should not be mixed for injection.

  4. Excessive doses of enrofloxacin can cause side effects. Enrofloxacin-sensitive pigs should not be used. Before administering the drug to a large group of young pigs by intramuscular injection, a trial dose should be given to 1-2 pigs, and the injection dose should be reasonable.

These are the roles and efficacy of enrofloxacin in veterinary use. Enrofloxacin is a broad-spectrum bactericidal drug for animals, with bactericidal effects on most bacteria, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, erythrocytes, and other pathogens.

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