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The clinical application of Florfenicol in livestock and poultry diseases
florfenicol powder

Florfenicol, also known as fluoroacetamide sulfathiazole or fluorophenylsulfonylmethane, is a broad-spectrum antibiotic belonging to the amphenicol class, specifically designed for animals. It is a monofluorinated derivative of thiamphenicol, highly soluble in dimethylformamide, soluble in methanol, and sparingly soluble or insoluble in water. In light of this, Huizhong Veterinary Medicine has developed a new process for Florfenicol powder, named Pu De Kang, which automatically dissolves in water.

Mechanism and Applications

Florfenicol exhibits broad-spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity, excellent absorption, wide distribution in the body, and advantages such as not causing aplastic anemia. It is effective against most Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, certain mycoplasmas, and strains resistant to chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, tetracycline, sulfonamides, or ampicillin. Its antibacterial activity surpasses that of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol. In vitro bacteriostatic tests demonstrate that the product inhibits bacterial growth at low concentrations and slows bactericidal activity at high concentrations. The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the product for most bacteria equals or is 2 to 4 times the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and it exhibits varying degrees of post-antibiotic effects.

Florfenicol is rapidly absorbed orally, widely distributed in the body, with drug concentrations in the liver and kidneys higher than in the blood; concentrations in the lungs, heart, spleen, pancreas, and intestines are equivalent to blood concentrations; concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid are lower, approximately one-fourth to one-half of blood concentrations. This indicates its suitability for treating systemic infectious diseases.

Product Characteristics

  1. Florfenicol is a broad-spectrum, highly efficient antibiotic for animals, with low toxicity.
  2. Excellent oral absorption, widespread distribution in the body, and no risk of causing aplastic anemia.
  3. Strong antibacterial activity, inhibiting bacterial growth at low concentrations and slowing bactericidal activity at high concentrations.
  4. Suitable for the treatment of systemic infectious diseases.

Product Advantages

  1. High-purity levofloxacin raw materials, no residues of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol, strong antibacterial activity, high safety, minimal toxic side effects, and low resistance.
  2. Utilization of a novel supramolecular encapsulation technology prevents interactions between florfenicol and certain ions, increasing its solubility and dissolution rate, regulating release rate, perfectly solving the problem of water solubility, easy dissolution, no precipitation, no clogging of water supply systems, and minimal possible losses.
  3. Stable chemical properties increase drug bioavailability, reduce drug toxic side effects, and ensure clinical efficacy.

Clinical Applications

This product is widely used in the clinical treatment of various bacterial diseases in poultry, such as Escherichia coli, avian cholera, chick diarrhea, chronic respiratory diseases, duck infectious serositis, secondary infections of avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, and the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases mixed with viruses and mycoplasmas in pigs.

Clinical Application Examples in Pig Farms

  1. For Mycoplasma infections leading to coughing, florfenicol combined with tulathromycin is the preferred treatment. Effective dosages typically include 20% of the weight for tulathromycin and 10% for florfenicol.

  2. For pleuropneumonia, florfenicol is the first choice, often combined with antipyretics. For larger groups, florfenicol premix is generally combined with lincomycin or tylosin for better effects.

  3. For mixed respiratory tract infections where bacterial involvement cannot be clearly determined but involves bacteria, florfenicol is commonly used due to its broad antibacterial spectrum. However, when pigs have poor immune function, other less potent drugs might be chosen. Additionally, if porcine enzootic pneumonia is confirmed, florfenicol is replaced with tulathromycin.

  4. For paratyphoid fever, which usually occurs during stress and manifests with fever, diarrhea, and septicemia, florfenicol is the first choice, often combined with other premixes for antipyretic effects.

Clinical Application Examples in Poultry

  1. Treatment of bacterial diseases such as colibacillosis, avian cholera, and duck yolk sac infection or a series of clinical symptoms and pathological changes caused by mixed infections.

  2. Treatment of chick diarrhea, digestive system infections caused by viral diseases, and secondary or mixed infections with bacterial diseases.

  3. Mainly used to address respiratory syndrome caused by conventional bacteria or viruses, or mixed infections.

Clinical Application Precautions

  1. Avoid use in laying hens.
  2. Avoid use during vaccination or in animals with severe immunodeficiency.
  3. Adjust dosage or prolong dosing intervals for animals with renal insufficiency.
  4. Immunosuppressive effects may occur when the product is used above the recommended dose.
  5. Withdrawal period: 20 days for pigs, 5 days for chickens, 375-degree days for fish.
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